[–][NBA] Best of 2021 Winnerurfaselol 5415 points 1 day agoHis basketball career is over球迷:本西的职业生涯到此为止了…
[–]Pacerscwesttheperson 846 points 1 day agoPeople who have never had back injuries don’t understand how debilitating they are. I have a nerve issue and it can just destroy your movement and power.步行者球迷:那些从来没有受过背伤的人永远都无法想象,背伤可以把一个人折磨成什么样子…我患有脊背神经炎,这种病会摧毁你的行动能力和肢体力量…[–]Bullszvomicidalmaniac 316 points 1 day agoCan confirm. I have two herniated discs. I’m always conscious of the pain, always compensating for it.公牛球迷:楼上的观点,我能作证…我有两处椎间盘突出,如今疼痛已经刻进了我的大脑皮层,一直在靠意志力跟它作斗争…[–]Timberwolvesnowuff 200 points 1 day agoThree herniated discs in my lumbarSevere nerve impingementCompletely lost the use of my right leg and was basically unable to go to the bathroom. Had to get emergency surgery and have had multiple setbacks in recovery.This is basically hell.How did it all start? Running on a treadmill…I honestly feel bad for Simmons. If he’s been dealing with this and the whole world has been making fun of him and calling him a ‘faker’ that just out right sucks. This is pure misery.森林狼球迷:我曾经三处腰椎间盘突出,并患有严重的神经卡压症…当时我的右腿已经完全没法儿走路了,连上个厕所也成问题…最终不得不进行紧急手术,后续的康复训练也是一路坎坷…那段经历堪称人间炼狱!你要问我是怎么受的伤?跑跑步机惹的祸…所以我是打心里为本西难过的…长期与背伤做斗争,外界却拿他开玩笑,讥讽他是“诈骗犯”,简直是操蛋!这都什么人间疾苦啊!?
[–]LakersVernacularRaptor 9 points 1 day agoHey man, I had something similar and was in constant pain and limping due to nerve pain in right leg. I just got a microdisctectomy yesterday, and while I'm in a bit of pain (surgical pain), my nerve pain is all gone!!!Take a look into microdisctectomy if you haven't already and hoping for the best for you man 🙏🏼♥️湖人球迷:楼上的兄弟,我受过跟你类似的伤,当时的症状是持续性疼痛,而且由于右脚神经痛导致走路也是瘸的…昨天我做了微创椎间盘切除手术,现在除了感觉到有一点点疼(术后疼痛)之外,之前的神经痛全消失了。要是你还没试过的话,可以考虑去做一个微创椎间盘切除手术,祝你一切顺利,老兄![–]GokuVerde 18 points 1 day agoIts awful. I would have rather broken my leg. Can't sit down or walk. Gone to physical therapy and thousands in tests and doctors and moderately feel better. Every day you wake up and it's like a reset button on the pain. There is no recovery with this only before and after.球迷:太可怕了!我宁可断腿(也不想得背伤)!(曾经受了背伤之后)连基本的坐下和走路都办不到…后来通过理疗、无数次跑医院、无数次身体检查,才勉强好受了些…(要是得了背伤)每天早上一醒过来,疼痛立马就像打开了开关一样…背伤没有痊愈一说…世界上只有两种人,一种是没受过背伤的人,一种是受过背伤的人…
受背伤后[–]Timberwolvesnowuff 3 points 1 day agoYep and I think once you get surgery, like I did, you basically let the cat out of the bag. And then it’s essentially be super super careful or end up doing more serious movement-restricting surgeries.森林狼球迷:没错,一旦像我这样做了背伤手术,你就被贴上标签了…从此以后做什么事都要万分小心,如若不然,等着你的就是一次又一次导致阉割行动能力的大手术了![–][HOU] Yao Mingsorendiz 50 points 1 day agoWorst and most depressing part is that even once you get a little bit of relief (if you're lucky) that shit stays with you mentally. You can't escape the fear of that pain once you've gotten used to it.I remember a couple years back i was visiting my mom and she asked me why I was walking like that. I was like wym, walking like what? And she said I was moving gingerly, like I was made of glass. I didn't even notice that i was doing that until she pointed it out. Just completely subconscious, something my body reflexively started doing out of fear after years of every movement being capable of bringing the pain. Back problems are the fucking WORST火箭球迷:背伤最糟糕的、最让人抑郁的一点是,哪怕你的背伤已经好一点了(如果你走运的话),它留给你的阴影还会一直缠着你,你没办法从它曾经所造成的恐惧中脱身…还记得几年前,有一次我去看望我妈,当时我妈问我为什么我走路的姿势怪怪的?我当时没听懂,问我妈“什么意思?我走路姿势怎么怪了?”然后我妈说我当时走路的姿势颤颤巍巍蹑手蹑脚的,就感觉自己是块玻璃一不小心就会碎了似的…在我妈指出这个问题之前,我自己都甚至一直没有注意到,那种走姿完全是下意识的…(曾经因为背伤)做任何一个动作都会感到疼痛,那么多年折磨下来,因为恐惧疼痛而让我的身体形成了条件发射…可以说背伤是最他妈毁人的伤病![–]Bullstopkingdededemain 4 points 1 day agoThe single worst pain I’ve had in my life was a back spasm. Not even an injury.It was so bad I just threw up. I could not move. Insane.If I were in pain like that 24/7 idk what would happen dude. Scary to think about公牛球迷:我这辈子最痛的一次经历就是背部痉挛,那甚至都算不上是个伤病…那次真把我疼得够呛,直接给我痛得吐了…当时我完全动不了了,真的太可怕了!那种痛苦要是一年365天、一天24小时一直跟着我,我真不知道自己会不会因为忍受不了而干出傻事…想想都可怕…
[–]NuggetsSilvioDantesPeak 34 points 1 day agoHis mind was broken before his back. Even if he was 100% healthy, his career would still be over掘金球迷:在他的背废掉之前,本西的精神早已经毁了!哪怕以后他能100%痊愈,他的职业生涯还是结束了...[–]Celticsicatfilms 82 points 1 day agoMan, I have the same problem with Ben. Life without basketball is already hard, I can’t imagine him playing again.凯尔特人球迷:哎…我有着和本西一样的背部问题,打不了篮球,生活实在太难了…我不觉得本西还能回到赛场…[–]this_place_stinks 47 points 1 day agoAs the saying goes, nobody has back surgery. They just have their first back surgery.球迷:俗话说得好,出g...背伤手术只有0次...或者无数次...
[–]Wazflame 21 points 1 day agoEven if he doesn’t play Basketball, do you think retirement would help him become “pain free” again? Or is it the type of injury that all the money & resources won’t make a difference?球迷:如果本西以后不打球了,大家觉得退役后的生活能帮他解决背部疼痛的问题吗?还是说,得了这种伤病,哪怕趁再多的钱、再多的资源也治不好了?[–]Celticsicatfilms 34 points 1 day agoYou can be pain free if you stop forcing yourself and take your meds. He will be not a top level athlete ever again.凯尔特人球迷:只要不再逞能,按时吃药,解决背部疼痛还是可以的,不过本西是再也回不到顶尖运动员的行列了。[–]Hawksdatlanta 5 points 1 day agoI used to ignorantly meme about his injuries, but this seems to be real shit. I'm sorry things turned out this way for him.老鹰球迷:我曾经还无知地拿本西的伤病开过玩笑,不过现在看来,这种伤病真的很要命啊…很遗憾他的剧本竟然写成了这样…
[–]Pelicanslegend023 1042 points 1 day agoMost tremendous fall off I’ve ever seen from a sports player鹈鹕球迷:本西的职业生涯陨落之快,是我所见过的运动员里面最惊人的![–]KnicksRonnie2kDropCode 173 points 1 day agoBack injuries are a career killer. It’s been 3 years of this, it might be over for him尼克斯球迷:背部伤病本就是运动员的职业生涯杀手,更何况本西已经被背伤折磨三年之久了,对他来说,可能一切都结束了。
[–]AustraliaWhittaker 75 points 1 day agoBack injuries on top of what he was dealing with family wise must've really fucked him up. Having a large amount of the basketball world call you out while your sister claims your half-brother sexually abused her forcing your family to say she suffers from mental illness. I can't even imagine the amount of therapy needed to work through all of that.澳大利亚球迷:这几年本西不仅要处理家庭问题,还饱受着背伤的折磨,肯定已经奔溃了。曾经本西的妹妹声称,与本西同父异母的哥哥性侵了她,而篮球界大部分人却不明所以,直接跑本西那里去喷,这迫使本西的家人说妹妹(这么做是因为)患有心理疾病…想到这儿,我真没法儿想象本西得接受多少心理治疗,才能挺得过这些坎儿啊…[–]76ersmoeshaker188 31 points 1 day agoWait, wtf? Holy shit, that is horrifying.76人球迷:等等,什么鬼?卧槽,这也太恐怖了吧![–]AustraliaWhittaker 26 points 1 day agoYeah it didn't really get reported on or talked about much but there was some crazy shit going on in his life at that time.I grew up watching his Dad, met him a few times and have his autograph, and he was just your average down-to-earth dude so was certainly surprising to hear about all of that. He actually played alongside Warrick Giddey (Josh's Dad) for a number of years too.澳大利亚球迷:是的…那些事儿没有被怎么报道过,外界谈论得也不多…但是那段时间,本西的生活确实充斥着各种屎尿屁般的狗血剧情。我是看着本西爸爸打球长大的,也见过本西几次,还留着他的签名,他就是那种的普通邻家大男孩。所以听说他出了那么多事儿,我真的很震惊…本西和基迪的老爹也打过几年球。[–]ClippersShukiNathan 66 points 1 day agoI hope for his own good he's done at this point. You don't fuck around when you have back injuries.快船球迷:我希望本西现在做的所有事能让他自己好起来...你要得了背伤,那可不是开玩笑的。
]CelticsChickenWhiskers 8 points 1 day agoAs somebody dealing with a nerve impingement in the lower back it’s basically life-ruining. The pain reverberates all over your body; I can’t even stand for 5 minutes. Had to leave a job that requires me to be on my feet. Genuinely feel bad for the kid.凯尔特人球迷:作为一名下背部神经卡压症患者,我想说,得了背部伤病,生活基本上就毁了…疼痛会传遍你身体的每个角落,就连站立5分钟这么简单的事儿都成奢望…我曾经不得不放弃一份工作,因为那份工作需要我久站…我真的为本西这个孩子感到难过…[–]NBAvrkhfkb 8 points 2 days agoGood night Lightskin LeBron. You will be missed.球迷:安息吧,肤浅版勒布朗,我们会想念你的~